Para RR en su cumpleaños...
Desde El Cielo Una Hermosa Mañana |
"Desde el cielo,
una hermosa mañana (2)
La Guadalupana, (3)
bajó al Tepeyac
Por el monte pasaba Juan Diego (2)
y acercóse luego (3)
al oír cantar
Juan Dieguito, la Virgen le dijo (2)
este cerro elijo, (3)
para hacer mi altar
Suplicante juntaba sus manos,
y eran mexicanos (3)
su porte y su faz
Desde entonces, para el mexicano (2)
ser Guadalupano (3)
es algo esencial"
P.D. Dicen que en cada familia mexicana hay un Guadalupano. Va con mucho cariño para mi herman@ que escogió este día para nacer. Love you RR.
These are the lyrics of the song that fills the hearts of millions of pilgrims on December 12th, as they remember the miracle on the hill of Tepeyac. It tells the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Simple words... Yet, for those who believe, more than music this is a prayer.
Here is a translation as I remember singing it as a child...
"From heaven,
on a beautiful morning (2x)
the Guadalupana (3x)
came down to Tepeyac
Through the hill walked Juan Diego (2x)
promptly he drew closer (3x)
when he heard this song
Juan Dieguito, said the Virgin (2x)
this hill I choose, (3x)
to have my altar built
Pleading She joined her hands (2x)
and they were Mexican (3x)
Her poise and Her face
From then on, for el Mexicano (2x)
being Guadalupano (3x)
is something essential"