Para Mexico Con Amor - Blog To Mexico With Love


# 21 We Love Mexico

English follows
¿De dónde eres? Te preguntan. De México, les dices.
Observas las sonrisas cuando te responden con la frase de cajón: We love Mexico.
Luego, casi siempre, te comparten sus recuerdos: fuimos de Luna de Miel, llevamos a los niños a las pirámides, estuvimos de vacaciones, visitamos a la familia, tengo un herman@ que trabaja ahí.
Te cuentan dónde estuvieron, las experiencias que tuvieron, cuánto disfrutaron el paseo, la comida, la hospitalidad.
Te dicen que les encantó, que la pasaron increíble, que quieren volver.
Y tú escuchas fascinado, mirando tu país a través de sus ojos, y gozas todo lo que te cuentan porque sus recuerdos son tus recuerdos, porque estás de acuerdo, porque sabes que vienes de una tierra maravillosa y porque comprendes que te falta todavía mucho por descubrir y eso te encanta.
Yo también, les dices, I love Mexico too.

Where are you from? They ask. Mexico, you reply.
A smile comes through as you hear them say: We love Mexico.
Then, quite often, they share their memories: we went there for our honeymoon, we took the kids to the pyramids, we just came back from a holiday, we were visiting family, my brother works there.
They tell you where they went, the experiences they had, how much they loved their stay, the food, the hospitality.
They say they had a great time, the best of times, they want to go back.
And you listen to each word, amazed to see your country through their eyes, and you enjoy everything you hear because their memories are your memories, because you know this country IS amazing and because there is still much to be discovered and you love that.
Me too, you say, I love Mexico too.
¿Cuándo vuelves? - Are we back yet?


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